Just like the super-advanced convertible cars and the stock market, erections are those mysterious things that have a mind of their own. But when they do not happen, it could be very disappointing at the very least.
Most of the time, the main cause behind erectile dysfunction is the decreased blood flow that happens because of the clogged arteries and shrink vessels that supply blood to the penis. This reason could be more common in older men. While the younger men experience it more due to the emotional issues.
Regardless of what the main root cause is, it is essential to look for answers:
Is it all in my head?
Probably not at all! Most of the cases related to erectile dysfunction are either due to physical problems alone or in the combination with emotional ones. Any medical condition that can affect your nerves or blood vessels can also hinder your ability to have erections.
If you have erections in the morning or in the evening while sleeping, the reason could be psychological more than physiological. Stress, anxiety, and depression can cause erectile dysfunction.
In older men, hormonal issues such as low testosterone levels can also factor in. Sometimes prostate problems including surgery and radiation could also be the reason.
Can Medicines be blamed for erectile dysfunction?
This could be one of the factors, definitely! Several medications like blood pressure drugs, anti-depressants, and other medicines can make it difficult to get an erection. If you feel that the medicines you are taking are interfering with your sexual life, do not just stop taking medicine instantly!
Consult with your doctor first, as you might have to switch to something different. Your doctor might as well prescribe you ED drugs like Malegra, which is FDA approves and completely safe for public consumption with minimum side-effects.
Could it be my lifestyle?
Our unhealthy lifestyle and hectic work schedule are some of the reasons that may impact your romantic life. Being overweight, junk food, getting little or no exercise, smoking, and drinking issues work against the good blood flow that is essential to erections.
Is it my age?
Although aging doesn’t cause erectile dysfunction, older men are more prone to it. According to the National Institutes of Health around 4% of guys in their 50s and almost 17% in their 60s are unable to get erections. However, treatments can help men of any age.
Can ED medications help?
Yes! There are various medications that are available in the market. If you find them too expensive, there generic versions like Malegra, Fildena, and Cenforce are also available that come with the same chemical salt, effectiveness but at a cheaper price. You can try them now!